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                                                                                        Paul Liu Design Consultants Co., Ltd., in London,Vancouver,HongKong and Shenzhen all has offices, is currently one of the most creative and professional international companies in the hotel interior design industry. Under the leadership of Mr. Paul Liu, founder of PLD, the company has been steadily growing with over 28 years of credible reputation and prudent management style. As a pioneer of the "independent design" approach in the Chinese interior design industry, PLD separated the design process from the building decoration enterprises in the 90's, leading to a rising status of the design profession, higher respect to designers and recognition for their professionalism, which brought positive influence on the development of interior design in China as well as the future of Chinese design industry.
                                                                                        Paul Liu Design Consultants Limited is one of the most dynamic internationalized professional interior firms. Under the leadership of its founder, Mr. Paul Liu, Paul Liu Design enjoys steady growth built upon about twenty-eight years of reliable service and stable operation.
                                                                                        劉波設計顧問有限公司是目前具有創造力的國際化專業室內設計公司之一,在創始人劉波(Paul Liu)先生的帶領下,以二十八年的良好信譽和穩健的經營作風使公司穩步成長。
                                                                                        In 2002 , the company was classified as one of the‘Top 100 International Interior Firms’by‘World Archite cture’magazine of United Kingdom; and in 2006 was rated second place in ‘Top 100 Interior Design Firms in China’ by the Chinese edition of American magazine ‘Interior Design’. The company is dedicated in interior design for high class hotels over the years.Composed by a group of high caliber technical professionals and a crew of knowledgeable support staff, it is a professional design firm that demonstrates strong teamspirit and cohesive teamwork. Paul Liu Design believes that from inspiration down to implementation ,everyinnovative concept goes through hardship and challenges; therefore their designers are dedicated in following through every phase of the implementation.
                                                                                        2002年即位列"世界室內設計事務所百強",2006年被美國《Interior Design》雜志中文版評為"中國室內設計100強"酒店類第二名。是在中國致力于高級酒店室內設計領域的公司,公司擁有一批高素質專業技術人才和配套專業人員,是具有強烈團體意識和合作精神的專業設計群體,我們深信每一個創新的意念,從孕育到實施必需付出艱辛的代價,所以每一個環節,設計師們都精益求精。
                                                                                        There is a strong belief in every member of Paul Liu Design that‘a successful innovative design can surely be implemented’.In the past,the company has accomplished numerous adorable interior designs and gained the recognition from both clients and property owners. 
                                                                                        “成功的設計創意是實現了的”是每個人信守的。公司多年以來 ,貢獻了大量的成功室內設計作品,贏得了客戶和業主廣泛的贊譽。其受委托的室內設計個案涉及社會各個領域,尤其在高端酒店室內設計上頗有心得, 成為亞太地區酒店室內設計新潮流的企業。
                                                                                        The commissioned interior design projects covered all areas of the community with special concentration on high class hotels which makes the company a trend setter and leader in hotel interior designs in Asia Pacific.Paul Liu Design Consultants Limited will continue their dedication in providing subtle designs of wisdom that blend oriental characteristics with cutting edge western approaches to actualize the company’sultimate goal-the creation of a practical, natural, and perfect interior space. Paul Liu Design is devoted in exploring the individuality, originality, trends and styles in their designs.